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CV |
Walid Phares Wikipedia |
Short Bio of Porfessor Walid Phares |
Short CV of Dr Walid Phares |
Congressional Recognition Letter for Dr. Walid Phares |
Op Eds |
Irans coronavirus strategy: Neglect its people, revive its proxies |
Op Ed in History News Network: The Coronavirus War: The Genesis |
Op Ed in the Sunday Guardian Live. "Don't surrender Afghanistan to the Taliban again" |
The Game of Drones |
Articles |
Independent Arabia: Iran fears a confrontation with President Trump and has little alternatives |
The Hill: Trump Rattles White House with Bolton Shake-Up |
Fox News: Iran Spends Billions on Weapons Programs, Terrorism While Ignoring Iranians' Basic Needs, report finds |
We predicted Iran backed militias targeting Mecca six years ago |
Interviews |
Interview in the Washington Free Beacon: Do not surrender Afghanistan to the Taliban, again |
Fox Business: US sends aircraft carrier and bomber task force to the Middle East [Video] |
Fox Business: Juan Guaido leading what he hopes will be a military uprising in Venezuela [Video] |
Fox Business: Is Biden Democrats' Best Chance to Take on Trump? [Video] |
Books |
The Choice Facebook Page |
Middle East Community Hails Walid Phares’ ‘The Choice’ |
Dr. Phares' The Choice on The Catch Up with John Bachman |
Walid Phares analyzes Trump vs. Biden foreign policy agenda |
Printed Media |
CAIR's War on Walid Phares and his book Future Jihad |
Walid Phares: Another Trump Adviser Targeted by Obama’s ‘Deep State’ |
Ex-Trump adviser breaks silence on Russia probe, says Iran deal played role in false allegations |
New York Time smear of Trump advisor is from Ikhwan agenda |
Radio |
Foreign policy expert Walid Phares says 'militant' U.S. media have become 'opposition' |
Will the People of Kenosha Welcome Trump's Visit? | DR. WALID PHARES | JOHN GIZZI |
Salem Radio Network: Next US National Security Policies |
Dr. Phares on Sebastian Gorka Radio: What's really happening inside Iran? |
TV |
Dr. Phares' The Choice on The Catch Up with John Bachman |
Walid Phares analyzes Trump vs. Biden foreign policy agenda |
What Obama was really up to with Iran. Walid Phares with Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA First |
Exclusive behind the scenes details of Trump’s historic Israel-UAE peace deal |
Lectures |
Phares on Fox News panel about death of Iranian commander in Baghdad airstrike |
Phares briefing on US policy in the Middle East (July 2019) |
Remarks on Mediterranean illegal migration and European response |
Westminster Institute Lecture: US Strategy in the Middle East til 2020 - Will it Work? |
Walid Phares Blog |
Assessment and Strategy for Lebanon |
Assessing U.S. Concern with China's Cyber Actions |
Sydney: "Global Jihadi ideology at work, used by individual activists" |
Phares in HNN questions readiness of Middle East studies for Arab Spring |
Phares in Spanish |
Phares pide a Occidente que apoye a la sociedad civil que lidera las revueltas en el mundo rabe |
Walid Phares: "La Turqua de Erdogan no es el modelo a seguir" |
Walid Phares in el Mundo de Madrid: "Los Hermanos Musulmanes tienen la clara" |
Phares in French |
Phares cite' par la presse Tunisienne sur un post sur Facebook |
Phares sur RTS en Suisse sur la reflexion strategique de Donald Trump |
Phares a la VOA: "Une alliance militaire Arabe appuyee par l'Occident et a Russie doit liberer Mosul et Raqqa" |
Phares a France 24 (Part II): "L'iran transperse toutes les lignes rouges du Yemen, a l'Arabie au Levant" |
Phares in Arabic |
New York Times undermines Muslim Brotherhood opposition |
Dr. Phares on Kurdistan24 |
Dr. Phares on Al Hadath re Lithuania's decision to designate Hezbollah |
Dr. Phares to Al Hadath: On Judge's order to Block US Ambassador from Media in Beirut |
Academic |
Phares to Iraq Hur: "This US Congress will oppose the Washington deal with the Iranian regime, next Congress may collapse the deal" |
FAU ten years later: "Professor Walid Phares, an educational kind of magic" |
Dr Walid Phares, founder of the Florida Society for Middle East Studies, the largest regional group in MES in America |
Professor Walid Phares at National Defense University |
Slavic Media |
Phares interview in Czech Aktualne: "Nelo o nhodn nos, ekl o ekch expert na dihd" |
Phares to Russian Rosbalt Magazine: "al Qaeda wants Islamist states, with or without Mideast uprisings" |
Walid Phares interview in Polish Policy Journal Nowe Panstwo "IHAD JAK JOGA" |
Phares to Slovak News Agency: "Eurpsku verejnos treba naui rozliova medzi islamom a ideolgiou" |
German |
Von Walid Phares: "Eine echte Wahl fr Syrien" |
Phares to German Swiss Magazine "Weltwoche": l ins Feuer |
Petro-Dschihad: die Haltung des Westens gegenber dem Iran |
KONKRET fragte Walid Phares: "Was wollten die Terroristen von Mumbai?" |
Portuguese |
Phares to Correop Braziliense: "Jihadists in the Arab spring wants emirates not liberal democracies" |
Phares in Correio Brasiliense on Egypt's crisis |
Phares in Correio Braziliense: "O Talib vai resistir at essa data para retomar o controle do Afghanistan" |
Videos |
Phares Comment 4: "Obama and Middle East Challenges" (Part 3) |
Phares Comment 3: "Obama and Middle East Challenges" (Part 2) |
Phares Comment 2: "Obama Middle East Challenges" (Part 1) |
Dr Walid Phares on You Tube presenting the Plan for Peace in Gaza |
Italian |
Phares on Arabiya on Trump policies towards the Middle East will be opposite to Obama and Clinton’s |
Op Ed In the Italian Newspaper L'Occidentale: "La questione pi urgente di Obama" |
Kurdish |
Phares to VOA Kurdish service on Egypt's uprising |
Phares to VOA Kurdish Service: "Current Peace discussions are at the mercy of Iranian threats" |
Phares to VOA Kurdish: "President Obama needs to address Muslim minorities under oppression in the region such as the Kurds, Darfur, Berbers, and others |
Phares on VOA Kurdish Program: "President Obama must address high importance issues in the Muslim world: human rights, women, minorities, genocides, democracy and Terrorism" |
Asia |
Obama'nın Suriye'deki gerçek jeopolitik duruşu |
Phares to Week Life in China: "Hezbollah has penetrated all communities but Lebanon's majority rejects it" |
Romney for President 2012 |
Phares to Iraq Hurr: "Romney has alternatives to Obama's policies in the region" |
Phares on SkyNews Arabic: "Killing Bin Laden is not winning in Afghanistan" |
Phares on Breibart: "We need to partner with civil societies in the Middle East and consolidate alliances" |
Phares on Breibart: "We need to partner with civil societies in the Middle East and consolidate alliances" |
Donald Trump 2016 |
CNN Arabic quotes Phares: "A Donald Trump Administration will surprise the region's peoples with a positive message of peace, security, and prosperity, so much needed" |
Interview de Walid Phares avec Le Figaro sur la prochaine Administration Trump |
See you on the 9th |
Une interview de Phares avec VOA sur la politique etrangere de Trump |
